An Integrated Approach to Banking/Credit Union Regulatory Compliance Management

An Integrated Approach to Banking/Credit Union Regulatory Compliance Management
Risk management software, audit management software, regulatory management software, policy and procedure software, learning management software and case management system software – these are the tools that find their way into Financial Compliance and Auditors’ world.  These are all individual software which is normally used by one then calculated to help the whole institution’s Banking/Credit Union levels.

Quality Safety Culture: The Roles and Responsibilities of the Key Players

Quality Safety Culture: The Roles and Responsibilities of the Key Players

The Safety Coordinator’s role in implementing a quality safety culture

  • Most important – care about the  employees and build relationships (talk to people, show interest, be genuine)
  • Put the employees’ health and safety above everything else
  • Make smart common sense safety policies and procedures (don’t overkill on the paperwork)
  • Get the employees involved in the safety management system
  • Carry oneself with integrity, character, and humility
  • Build a culture of interdependence where all are working together and employees are looking out for each other

Why Is It So Hard To Comply With My Air Permit?

Why Is It So Hard To Comply With My Air Permit?
Complying with your air permit seems like an obvious need for any industrial facility. But depending on your facility’s operations, the State in which your facility is located, and, believe it or not, the State employee who’s been assigned to review your permit application and issue the permit, your permit’s record keeping and reporting requirements may be extensive and exhaustive. Larger corporations are likely to have dedicated, in-house environmental staff to handle these requirements. Small and medium sized business, who may own and operate a facility identical to one owned and operated by larger corporations, will have similarly extensive requirements, but they are not nearly as likely to have the same in-house staff.

Why Hotline Reporting Matters

Why Hotline Reporting Matters
Attention to ethics in the workplace and the demand for ethics and compliance regulations gained momentum as a result of several highly publicized corporate accounting scandals that occurred in the early 2000s, most notably those involving Enron, Tyco and WorldCom. In the wake of these financial debacles, public outcry demanded that the federal government step in and take strong, swift action to prevent these corporate improprieties from occurring again. This led to the enactment of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), federal legislation that set forth a host of new standards for corporate accountability regarding financial practices of publicly held companies, as well as penalties for non-compliance.

Weather the Storm of Policy and Procedure Management

Weather the Storm of Policy and Procedure Management
Storm of Content
The Affordable Care Act. HIPAA. OSHA. If there is one thing hospitals aren’t short of these days, it’s new rules and regulations. And for every fresh law or regulation that gets passed, new or updated policies follow. Add in new technology adoption by the way of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) or mobile health and you’ve got a storm of seemingly countless—and constantly changing—policies and procedures that overworked employees must navigate daily.