Showing posts with label 360factors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 360factors. Show all posts

How audit management systems help regional banks

How audit management systems help regional banks
Audits continue to be one of the most important tools that financial organizations have for compliance, enterprise risk management, ethics, safety, and much more. Audits are done not just to show regulatory bodies that the bank is performing ethically – they are also necessary to ensure that the organization is moving in the right direction.

Holistic risk and compliance management

Holistic risk and compliance management
If organizations want to achieve better compliance and risk management, they need to change the way risk and compliance is handled within organizations. Organizations have risk and compliance departments, staffed with highly qualified people, and yet keep running into risk and compliance management related issues. The problem isn’t that their people aren’t qualified or working hard – the real problem is that the organizational framework used by most organizations for risk and compliance management needs to be changed.

7 Elements of an Effective Risk Management Program

7 Elements of an Effective Risk Management Program
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Risk Management is crucial for the sustained development of an organization. If you are able to avoid the risks and carry out tasks smoothly, you are sure to taste success in your endeavors. The market is flooded with a number of risks which need to be dealt with by making use a proactive approach. By employing an Enterprise Risk Management Software, one can eliminate risks from the system.

How to Keep Track of Policies?

How to Keep Track of Policies?
Just like any other crucial leader of an organization, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is tasked with critical responsibilities; the most important of them is handling the finances and overseeing the team that is in charge of financial operations.