Business Case – Scale Your Risk, Information Security, Audit and Compliance Consulting

The Challenge
·         Many small and mid-sized GRC Software consulting firms are challenged by the new climate technology has created. These financial services risk consulting firms are searching for ways to both overcome these challenges and to differentiate from their larger, resource-rich competitors. As one result of the search, we are seeing an “asset-based consulting growing trend” in the GRC consulting space.
·         Another way consultants can find value in existing business sectors is by making better use of their framework, banking and financial services specific content, data and workflows to actually improve on their IP. Without a connected way to collaborate and share IP, consultants fail to build on their internal knowledge base by leveraging the most successful elements of their engagements and frameworks. As a result, consultants never get intelligent or agile on their engagements nor do they substantially build on their knowledge their clients or the issues they tackle. The value of artificial intelligence and big data approach to GRC is picking up steam and causing disruption, and the consulting industry is no exception.
·         Banking and financial services governance, risk and compliance is getting complex and risk consultants gather huge amounts of data from their clients, and they should be using it to build their expertise around how to map their risk assessments to regulations and internal controls, do benchmarking against their competitors and build the best frameworks. This is not possible through traditional GRC consulting practices and manual processes.
The Solution
·         Face to face and paper based risk assessment, audits, tests and survey a are out dated, it has low participation and it takes months and costlier to your customers. Therefore, you can be an early adopter of artificial intelligence, big data technology towards GRC consulting that can automate mapping, building relationships between risk, internal controls, regulations and organizational data that can help consultants to gain the level of knowledge necessary to provide those solutions to its clients with quality, agility and reduced cost.
·         By productizing risk consulting business models and frameworks, consultants can better provide repeatable, trackable solutions to specific client problems. The focus thus lies less on the effort of the consultants conducting the GRC engagement and more on the outcome of the engagement itself. Likewise, the engagement can be priced around the output rather than the input. This would help transform consultants “one-and-done relationship” with their clients and get into a recurring subscription like revenue stream.
·         There is a huge benefit to getting your consultants to use a single GRC consulting platform – it allows you to digitized and automate your risk framework, assessments, audits, compliance routines and action plans that is being used by all consultants on various projects. Further, it also enables you to automate benchmarking performance against your client’s competitors within the same industry. Over time you can productize the content, frameworks and workflows and turn that into a key differentiator- This will immensely help boutique to mid-size firms compete with the cream-of-the-business-school-crop talent that the top GRC consulting firms offer
·         Productizing your consulting will enable you to rinse and repeat and scale- This would position you to scale and keep on producing revenue without you being personally on the consulting engagement and continue to grow.
·         Once the consulting firm productized their GRC consulting services, all they would have to do is hire, train and delegate to other consultants- they can begin removing themselves from the tasks of servicing clients by hiring key roles and delegating those tasks. Or, if they prefer to stay small and work solo, the principals can find ways to eliminate or automate the unnecessary tasks and side-services that are low-value-low-margins to high-value-high-margins
  • It would make sure GRC services more predictable and allows you more control and create a balance between quality, speed and cost regardless of who the consultant is. Once you’ve build predictability into your risk, compliance and Audit Management Software workflows, you will eventually build predictability in your revenues and costs.
Just because you’re selling your time chunked up into engagements doesn’t mean that risk consulting service needs to feel like hamster-wheel of death. If you’d like to learn more in how to Embracing the Product Mindset through Predict360 GRC consulting software, please fill out the form.

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