Crying wolf or raising false alarms was the demise of the sheep herder in Aesop’s Fables. Over-reacting to every compliance issue turns people into the Wolf Crier.
An Alarmist is someone who is considered to be exaggerating a danger and causing needless worry or panic. When you aren’t grounded and are in “alarm” mode, you lose the ability to think outside the box, to be able to look at the bigger picture and to ask the right questions to determine the scope of the issue.
Calm in the Eye of the Storm. A fair number of the people have storms brewing, or they are already full blown. The challenge is to not let the external storm cause internal chaos that can blow your ability to stay rational, thoughtful, and most importantly, be the calm one who can step back to assess the complete problem, thus allowing you to get to the bottom of whatever is causing the storm. Do you fear a regulatory compliance storm brewing?
360factors helps companies improve business performance by reducing risk and ensuring compliance. 360factors’ cloud-based Enterprise Risk and Compliance Management technology platform, Predict360, uses unique mapping and cognitive computing technologies to provide regulatory insight, predict risks and drive operational excellence.
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