Revolutionizing the Simplicity of Regulatory Change Management

Imagine that you are about to take a drive to a place you have dreamed of going your entire life. Your suitcases are packed in the car, and all you have to do is put your key in, turn the car on, keep an eye on the dashboard every now and then, and drive. Your focus is on the road ahead that leads to your final destination and the quickest, safest way to get there. This is simplicity at its best.

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Now, imagine you want to make that same trip, but instead of just turning a key and watching the dashboard, you are in charge of making sure each car part is working properly at all times. You constantly need to check the engine, the fuel level, the lights, the transmission system, the exhaust system, the safety system, the braking system, the steering system, and every other system that makes a car function properly. This lack of simplicity, as ridiculous as it seems, is the manner in which most businesses are maintaining their functionality as they try to reach their end goals. This leaves an infinite amount of room for human error and failure.
When it comes to regulatory compliance, there are multiple tasks and systems to manage that lend themselves to human error if not handled with immaculate care and immeasurable attention every, single day. For a business to achieve success, it needs to have anything from:
and all the way to connection with compliance experts. This vast amount of system requirements makes it more difficult to focus on that final destination of company goals.
An automated, integrated process, similar to the way a car’s systems all work together, is practically a necessity in order to truly thrive and focus on the objectives that the company was originally created to complete. Rather than giving into the possibility of populating an excel spreadsheet incorrectly or skipping a procedural step due to a lack of attention, it is time to incorporate the all-inclusive system that makes work a joy ride. Predict360 is a cloud based regulatory compliance software solution that is going to revolutionize the simplicity of regulatory change management. It is a cloud-based system with multiple modules, such as:
  • learning management system
  • the regulatory knowledge base
  • audit and risk management system
  • case management (with JSA and task management)
  • expert connect
  • policy and procedure management

It is all vertically integrated into one, simple platform that includes a fully customizable dashboard to display the exact information you prefer to see. Instead of implementing multiple, different solutions, let 360Factors make life and business easy. PREDICT360 is the key to compliance requirements for almost all the major industries like Oil & Gas, Banking, Finance, EHS, Insurance, Life Sciences and more. For example, all you have to do is plug a GRC software for Power & Utilities in to get rid of your compliance woes – Automate!

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