Think Ahead of the Curve – Regulatory Compliance Software Choice

Emergency medical technicians and medical trainers are on call at an array of sporting events, from Little League tee ball to the Superbowl. The event organizers do not anticipate participants to pull an ACL or spectators to pass out due to heat exhaustion; however, EMTs attend just in case. Due to the historically risky nature of sporting events, many leagues and associations, from professional to intramural, require EMT to be present before the umpire can yell, “Play ball!”.

This proactive behavior saves valuable response time in medical emergencies.
  • You should not wait for an auditor to discover violations and bombard you with fines
  • You should not wait for an employee to be hospitalized due to improper hazardous waste disposal
  • You should not wait for an oil spill to wreck havoc on the Gulf of Mexico before reevaluating policies and procedures
All of these incidents could be avoided by assessing and managing risk.
Companies that practice reactive behavior will always be behind. The action occurs after significant incidents, thus they are always playing catch up. On the other hand, proactive companies display greater innovation and efficiency because they are constantly looking towards the future. Proactive companies recognize a need for compliance and seek regulatory compliance software solutions.

An example would be GRC software for Power & Utilities that Regulatory change management software encompasses risk management and regulatory compliance among other things. By managing policies and procedures in accordance with regulations and risk, you can prevent unnecessary disturbances and harmful incidents. Be proactive. Consider all the Factors and Predict the risk.

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